10 Ways to Help with Pre-Writing Skills
Your child is getting so big so fast! There is so much to explore and learn about the world around them. Research tells us that kids learn best through play. Here are some fun ways to help your child as they learn pre-writing skills!
1. Maze Books: this is a great way to work on handwriting without just writing words. Mazes require fine motor and visual motor skills.
2. Sensory Writing Tray: this is an opportunity for kids to work on pre-writing skills in a fun and engaging way. Fill a shallow container with materials such as salt, sugar or shaving cream. Kids can practice forming the letters in their name, shapes and lines. Show kids how to move tray back and forth to redistribute material at bottom. You can use various objects such as sticks, pencils, or paintbrushes to write the letters.
3. Tracing Objects: make a game with your little one where they have to trace around objects. Have them trace circular objects or containers. Encourage them to color in the shapes when they are done. Which shapes are biggest?
4. Strengthen those Muscles: have kids scrunch paper, peel stickers, finger paint, use tweezers to pick up pom-poms and drop in egg cartons, and open containers. Trace shapes and cut out and make a big picture with shapes. Encourage upper limb strength: go to parks, climb, monkey bars.

5. Set up an art area with a new journal (without lines) and encourage your kids to draw pictures, even labeling pictures with one letter (if they draw a train they can label picture with "t" ) They can pretend to write store lists, stories, or special drawings.
6. Play Connect the Dots in the shape of a letter. Make the dots close together and have them follow the dots. Get easier connect the dot books.
7. Stencils: Stencils help kids begin to understand pencil control.
8. Wet-Dry-Try Method: a great way to have kids practice handwriting without getting frustrated with lined paper. Write a letter on the chalkboard. Have kids trace the letter with a wet sponge, dry the letter outline with a tissue, and then kids try forming the letter on their own.
9. Crayon Rocks Rock! Smaller crayons work! Smaller crayons are easier for children to grasp and discourage them from using too many fingers. Broken crayons actually work wonders as well! Crayon rocks are great for handwriting development in kids. They are designed to teach the correct pencil grip.
10. Pencils matter! I love the easy to hold wooden pre-sharpened Graphite Kids' Pencils for 3 to 6 year olds. Darker lead makes it easier to see. Perfect for kids learning to write.
Hope this helps as your child begins to show interest with writing!
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